Satellite Express-AM7 - 40.0 East, TV channels, frequencies
Express AM7 (40°E)
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MOSKVA 24 On Express-AM7@40
0E FREQ: 12733 V 2830 MPEG4/SD/FTA Started
40E strong tp : 11620 V/H 2000
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22.Express AM7 at 40.0°E TP
LNB 1 Freq. - 09750
LNB 2 Freq. - 10600
TP - 11620
Symbol Rate - 2000
Polarity - H
22k Tone - off
Dish Size-6feet fiber
CH: Afghan Tv
Strongest frequency express-am7 @ 40° east
Express AM7 at 40.0°E
Below you will find available downlink footprint maps for Express AM7 at 40.0°E. Click on a map for more details. If you would like to have more technical information about TV and radio channels available on Express AM7, please click here.
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express am7 40 e strong tp
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express am7 at 40.0°e footprint
express am7 footprint
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