القائمة الرئيسية


Biss Keys – Express AM5 at 140.0°E

 Biss Keys – Express AM5 at 140.0°E

Biss Keys – Express AM5 at 140.0°E

Express-AM5 140.0°E HD Channel List with Frequency Symbol Rate. On this page, we will provide you the details of all HD channels on Express-AM5 @ 140E. We have listed the channels TP wise. Most of the channels are not FTA and scrambled. You can unlock these channels with Cccam cline which can be purchased from the Cccam server holders.

Biss Keys – Express AM5 at 140.0°E

       STS (+7h) 

11530 H 22250

0335: C12345296789AB9B

Domashnij Telekanal (+7h)

11530 H 22250

0336: D12345396789AB9B

Telekanal Che! (+7h)

11530 H 22250

0337: ABC1238F45678935

Biss Keys – Express AM5 at 140.0°E
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