Ziggo Sport1 Golf TV Channel frequency on Astra 3B 23.5° East
Ziggo Sport1 Golf TV Channel frequency on Astra 3B 23.5° East
The Ziggo Sport1 Golf TV channel frequency on Astra 3B satellite:
To watch Ziggo Sport1 Golf on satellite, Here is the The frequency of Netherlands TV Ziggo Sport1 Golf channel on Astra 3B
Ziggo Sport1 Golf TV Channel frequency on Astra 3B 23.5° East
H frequency of Ziggo Sport1 Golf TV
The Ziggo Sport1 Golf channel broadcasts Sport programs, from Netherlands country in the Dutch language, last updated time on November 28, 2015. Ziggo Sport1 Golf which considered to view as a Paid satellite TV channel.
The Frequency of Ziggo Sport1 Golf TV on Astra 3B
Channel Name : Ziggo Sport1 Golf TV
Satellite Name :Astra 3B
Frequency : 12129
Polarization : Vertical
Symbol Rate: 29900 2/3
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