القائمة الرئيسية


Frequencies channel - ABC Radio Australia

 Frequencies channel - ABC Radio Australia

Frequencies channel - ABC Radio Australia

How can I listen to ABC Radio Australia
Depending on where you are, there are multiple ways to listen to ABC Radio Australia: live via internet streaming, on-demand audio, and podcast downloads, in your area through 24-hour FM stations and local relay stations, or live satellite.

To report problems or faults in receiving ABC Radio Australia in your country, please contact ABC Reception Advice.

ABC Radio Australia Frequencies
Radio English 24 hours

ountry    City     Frequencies
Tonga Nuku'alofa 103 FM
Fiji Nadi 106.6 FM
Fiji Suva 106.6 FM
Vanuatu Port Vila 103 FM
Vanuatu Luganville (Santo) 103 FM
Solomon Islands Honiara 107 FM
Papua New Guinea Port Moresby 101.9 FM
Papua New Guinea Lae 101.9 FM
Papua New Guinea Goroka 101.9 FM
Papua New Guinea Mt Hagan 101.9 FM
Papua New Guinea Arawa (Bougainville) 101.9 FM
Samoa Apia 102 FM
East Timor Dili 106.4 FM
Live Satellite

Coverage: Pacific and South East Asia

Transponder: G17C

Downlink Frequency: 4070.5 MHz

Downlink Polarity: Right Hand Circular

Modulation Format: QPSK

Symbol rate: 3.443 MS/ps

FEQ: 3/4

Controlled Access: No, smartcard not required

Receiver: DVB-S2 MPEG4

Coverage: Asia

Transponder: LM15C

Downlink Frequency: 4.064GHz

Downlink Polarity: Horizontal

Modulation Format: QPSK

Symbol rate: 19.85 MB/ps

FEQ: 7/8

Controlled Access: Smartcard not required for radio service

Receiver: Any DVB MPEG4 compliant receiver

Listen online

Go directly to the ABC Radio player
If you want to access our online streams directly without using our media player here are some links:



Radio Australia - English service

Radio Australia - Multi-language service

Frequencies channel - ABC Radio Australia
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